Tuesday, September 1, 2009

11 weeks

Ok, so I am publishing 2 posts in one night to get caught up with the weeks. This week I am actually 11 weeks, not 10 weeks. Hope I'm not confusing!
Anyway, this week I went and had blood drawn at the lab. I'll find out the results when I go to our next appointment later this month, if nothing is wrong. Cross your fingers!
Over the past couple of days, I have noticed that the nausea doesn't seem to be as bad or as frequent, which I'm very happy about. I still haven't gained any more poundage and will be glad if I can stay at this pace, but I doubt it. The doctor told me that I should gain about 25-30lbs throughout the pregnancy so we'll see if I can. I did buy two different kinds of ice cream today: moose tracks and turtle tracks because I couldn't decide which one. Ice cream has been one thing that I've let myself have once a week because I have been craving it pretty bad.
Oh, and Will has been such a good sport about all the food cravings, especially when it comes to dinner. He just says he's along for the ride and will eat whatever I want. He's not a very picky eater, which is good right now! He calls it the "craving rollercoaster" because I change my mind all the time.
To give an update on the other aspects of our lives, we are working our assess off, as usual. This weekend we have 6 weddings between Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We are thankful for all of the work we've had this year considering the economy. Weddings and birthdays are one area where people will still splurge.
This past weekend we just had 3 weddings, which was good because my brother and Diana were in town. They did have to do some things on their own while we worked, but we still got some hang out time in with them. They went on one of our deliveries to Magnolia Plantation and we took time to walk around and see some of it. We also went bowling, out to eat, and to the beach. It was a good time.
Hope everyone has a good week! Love to all!


  1. Hey Lauren -

    I got this link from my mom (which obviously came from your mom). Congratulations! Also, your cakes look fantastic. I am so impressed. Sounds like life is going really great in Charleston.


  2. Hey guys, I could not be happier for you. You all know how much I love yas and will be here for you, no matter what you need!!!!!!!!! I told you on this past mother's day that it was your turn and now next year it truly will be. I am already so proud of you both and wish you all the best of everything!!!I think of you both as my kids so decide what my baby is gonna call me!!!lol, love yas!!! Terri

  3. Hello!! The soon to be renters of your fooseball table and pool table would like for you to consider us as possible renters of your weight machine. This would allow you to not have to get rid of your possessions and to store them in our house/give us something to put in our empty basement.
    your game room renters a.k.a yo baby's aunties
