Thursday, January 28, 2010

32 Weeks

So this past week has been a pretty busy one. My mom flew into Charleston last Saturday and we went to NC for my baby shower that was re-scheduled from Christmas. It was a quick trip because we were back in Charleston on Monday, but it was a lot of fun and I got to see some of my relatives from my dad's side of the family that we didn't see at Christmas. My aunt Rose had the shower at her house so I would like to thank her for letting us take over for a few hours. I would also like to thank everyone else, like Alicea, who put a lot into making it happen. And, of course, thanks again to everyone for all the wonderful gifts!
We all sat around after opening gifts and everyone told stories about themselves being pregnant or someone they knew. Everyone has such different experiences and all I have to say is that I am nervous about whats to come and I hope that it's a quick process. For one, I don't like pain and two, I don't want to think about the recovery. The two dreams I've had about going through labor have had it go by extremely fast and William is born before anyone has time to do anything. That's what I'm telling myself it will be like :) None the less, I know women have babies everyday and if they're like our grandmothers, they have at least 5 and they make it through it so I suppose I will.

Here are some pictures from the shower and yes, I did make my own cake :) :

On Monday, after we got back we went to the doctor's appointment I had and my mom was able to meet our doctor. She really liked her and obviously hopes that she is the one on call when I deliver. The appointment was just a check-up, but as I mentioned in the previous blog about measuring small, well, I still am....I am 32 weeks along now so I should be measuring 32 cm, but I am still only at 29 cm. Next Monday, we go back for an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. Dr. Gregory isn't concerned about anything since everything has gone smoothly so far with the pregnancy, but she just wants to check everything out and make sure William is ok. I am not too concerned about it yet because he seems to be on the same schedule of boxing and kicking in my stomach and I haven't been feeling any different. The other thing that didn't change between the two visits was my weight - I was actually a pound less this time. I've been told, though, that William can be gaining weight while I do not. Who knows. I am extremely excited to get to see him again and probably won't be able to sleep on Sunday night! I'll be sure to post new pics from the ultrasound next week!
We go to our first baby class this week and we get to start off with Breastfeeding. It will be a 2 hour class so, I'm sure we'll get all the information we need and see a few too many boobs in the process. Our friends Amber and Justin told us about the video that gets played over and over again and about how they got cracked up over it. I still have yet to get a breast pump or even any bottle equipment or "breast equipment" (like nursing bras, etc.) so, hopefully, we'll have more of an idea of what to get after this class.
Well, that's it for now. It's time to actually start work this morning...I've got some red velvet to bake off. No weddings this week, but some other specialty cakes. Hope everyone is well!

Monday, January 18, 2010

31 Weeks

We made it out to the beach today!! It was a sunny 65 degrees out and was a beautiful day. Zoe actually agreed to be in the picture with me since she's been hiding from the camera in all my other pictures. She was also glad to get out of the neighborhood and go somewhere different for a change with her walk.
Since my last blog, we've been to another doctor's appointment and I'm continuing to do great. The only thing that did come up with this visit was the measurement of my uterus was a little off. They measure my belly everytime I go and I've been the same amount of centimeters as the current week I'm in, which is what you're supposed to be. Well, I measured 29 cm this time and I was turning 31 weeks the next day. The doctor said that she wasn't concerned at this point because she gives a 2cm gap either way on the measurement. At the next appointment, which is next Monday, she will measure me again to see if I'm still off and then probably do an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok with myself and William. He certainly lets me know that he's ok with all his moving around, but I would love to get to see him again if we needed to! I am curious to see how much bigger he is compared to the last ultrasound, which was at 20 weeks. We'll see what happens, though.
This week with work is looking to be a little more busy than we have been the last couple of weeks. We have a wedding and some other specialty cakes to do. Here is a cake that we did last week, though, that was a lot of fun to make:
The little boy actually specifically asked for the American flag to be added- how funny is that?! All the parts were completely edible and I'll be adding this one to our website with all the others I've posted on previous blogs.

Til next week! Hope everyone is doing well!

Monday, January 11, 2010

30 Weeks

Can anyone tell I'm trying to suck in?
Just kidding - it's not at all possible at this point!
We've realized that my belly can look so different just with the angle that we take the pictures and it never fails - everytime we see someone who hasn't seen me yet this far along, they always say I look smaller in person. All I have to say is that the camera does add at least 10lbs no matter if it's a tv or real camera!
Anyway, I was a slacker last week and didn't post anything. I've been feeling fine, just the usual tired and BIG. I've now got an "outie" belly button instead of an "innie" and when I look down, all I see is belly. William (what I'll call him now since we're still not telling the nickname) is getting stronger with his movements and I've had another "first" with him this past week : he's been getting the hiccups! I thought it was really strange at first because I was wondering what in the world he was doing in there that was so consistent with his moving. I later read and remembered hearing from previous preggies that he can get the hiccups. I almost feel bad for him when he has them because sometimes they can last a while, but who would've thought?!
It's also really weird when I can look down and see him moving so much that it looks like he's going to come through my stomach. Or when he's positioned in a way that makes my stomach look like it's sticking out more on one side than the other. Being pregnant is such an experience and our time is getting closer for when he'll arrive and I just can't wait to see what he looks like!
We've continued to work more on his room and had a problem with one of the pieces of furniture
that we're still waiting on the replacements for. After we get those, which is supposed to come this week, we can finally get all the furniture set and start putting away clothes and get the bedding on the crib.
We also received our wall decals that we ordered and put those up this weekend. Since we're not doing the typical themed nursery, we went really different with the decorations. The wall decals are different sized squares that we started out small with in one corner and gradually went out across the walls with the squares getting larger. The description probably isn't very good, but we'll try to take pictures of everything when we get it all done.
On Saturday night we went and saw our friends Amber and Justin, who have a 5 month old little boy named Jackson. We saw them in the hospital when he was first born so it was amazing to see how much he's changed and grown (and them as parents, too!). It was definitely eye-opening while we were there, to say the least. We had a great time with them, though, and would just like to be closer to friends like that.
Well, this week we have another doctor's appointment. I start going every 2 weeks now so on Thursday we'll see how we're progressing.
Til next week!