Monday, May 24, 2010

No longer 36 weeks pregnant!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, so I'm FINALLY updating the blog and it's a big update because I've gone almost 3 months. So much has gone on since I last wrote that I almost don't know where to start. I'll try to go with the order of how things have happened so, here goes....
I was on bed rest for 2 weeks and taking medication to stop contractions at my last update. When I made it to 37 weeks my doctor told me I could stop the medication. Well, I stopped taking it on that Sunday and was in the hospital having Liam on Tuesday. I checked into the hospital at 11am and Liam was born at 7:29pm weighing 7lbs 2oz and being 20 1/2" long. He was sssoooooooo cute and actually had a lot of hair! All I have to say is that being pregnant and going through labor is such an amazing and individually unique experience that I don't know how people can't believe in God! And there's no words to express the love that comes with having a baby or the feeling of first holding him. Will and I still can't believe it sometimes when we look at Liam.

When we went home with Liam we were told to watch his skin color for jaundice because he had some signs of it when we left the hospital. We brought him home on Thursday and we were calling the dr. on Sunday - Liam was looking VERY tan and the whites of his eyes had turned yellow. We scheduled an appointment the next day, Monday, to have him seen. That same Sunday, though, Liam got to meet his grandparents for the first time. Will's parents came, as well as, my parents and brother. Unfortunately, we were seeing everyone in the hospital because we were admitted for Liam's jaundice and he had to be put under the lights.

He was there for 3 days and it was a horrible experience!

Two weeks after Liam was born, we were back to work and taking him with us. Yes, it was insane going back that quick, but the bills have to be paid and we're still here so, we made it through! We bought a swing and a smaller chair for him to hang out in.

So, a couple of weeks later, Liam met more family for the first time. He met his aunts, Charlotte, Julia, and Nalynn; his cousin Brienna; and his uncle Elliott. He also saw his grandparents again and even did a Skype video call with his great, great Aunt Jean. We took him out to the beach for the first time during their visit - he was just 4-5 weeks old the first time we took him!
Liam will soon have another cousin to meet because Nalynn is pregnant with their second in June! We'll be going up to meet him/her (they don't find out what they're having, but we think it's going to be a boy) in July.

Liam had his 6 week check up and weighed 11lbs and had grown 2 inches! He also got his first shots at the this appointment and needless to say, I cried with him.

A couple of weeks ago Liam got to see his Mimi Foster again and she brought his two great granmothers for him to meet for the first time. It was a great weekend and it made it even more special because it was Mother's Day weekend! Grandma Foster (or Nana, as the great grands call her) made Liam a quilt and finished it while she was here. And we put them to work because we had an order of 600 logo cookies going out on that Tuesday - my mom was decorating cookies one night and we had them all wrapping the cookies on two occasions!

Liam is now 11 weeks old and has made several milestones: he smiled for the first time at 4 weeks and Aunt Charlotte was the first to get him to. He now smiles and "talks" all the time and is getting to where he can actually see us. He focuses on lights and his biggest obstacle that's been here for a while has been him trying to find his thumb. He has the idea and tries so hard to stick it in his mouth, but he just can't quite get it. With sleeping, we've made it to at least one 5 hour stretch while the rest is still 3-4 hours. AND with sleeping, he's been in his crib for the past week! We started last Sunday and he's done great with it! We have a video monitor that we keep in our room, which makes the move a lot easier! One morning last week when I went into his room, he was laying there away and trying to get his thumb. I said good morning to him and he just went crazy smiling. It was so cute! The "mustard" diapers seem to be getting bigger, messier, and smellier and more clothes have become stained from it. Can't wait for solid foods :)

In the midst of having Liam, here's what's been taking up the rest of our! It's been a busy wedding season! Here's Liam at the shop and some cakes we done:

Ok, and here's some pics of Liam in the last couple of days. I'll try to get better from now on to update the blog!