Sunday, July 11, 2010

Liam is 4 months old!

So, I haven't updated as much as I thought I would, but at least 1 month is better than 3!

Here is our big boy at 4 months! We can't believe how fast he's growing...when we went to his 4 month check up last week, he weighed 15 lbs 13 oz and was 26" long. Before we were given our "percentiles" they told us that he was definitely a keeper because he was in the 90's for all the numbers! My breast milk is aka super milk :) He also got more shots and while he screamed to the top of his lungs, I didn't cry this time. Oh, and we did take cupcakes to the dr.'s office this time hoping that our wait would be shorter, but it didn't matter, in case you were wondering.

Liam continues to be the best baby ever, especially with our work schedule. He's awesome at the shop throughout the day just hanging out in his swing or chair and when we take him on our wedding cake deliveries, he's just as content in his car seat taking everything in. By the time he's 1 year old, he will probably have been to every wedding venue in Charleston. Half the time, people are more interested in him than the cake :) Mary, from the alteration shop, comes over to see him almost daily and occasionally takes him back to her shop to see her mom, Diana. Diana is an older, Italian woman and calls Liam her little chi-chi so, we call her his "Charleston Grandma."
Liam has also been an excellent sleeper. He is sleeping anywhere from 7-9 hours per night! And last night, he went 10 hours! Typically, he'll go down anytime between 8:30-10pm (depending on when his last feeding is) and sleep through the night, which I am loving. Liam even slept through 4th of July fireworks, which were literally right outside his window, and the late night storms we've had with house-shaking thunder. The best, however, is when he wakes up in the morning and you can hear him making noises and talking; then, when you go in and say good morning, you'll get the biggest grin from him and he gets so excited to see you.
Zoe continues to be a great sister and watches out for Liam...she goes back to his room every time we change his diaper, gives him kisses, and sleeps in his room:

She also likes to make sure his bed is nice and comfy:

Liam has hit some milestones the last couple weeks, as well. He has finally found his thumb now, but continues to suck on a number of fingers at times. Pretty much anything he can put in his mouth he does. He's also found his feet and will grab at them when he's in his swing, in his chair, in his car seat, in the bed, etc. : ) He has also learned to sit up and can do it almost on his own - he's still a little drunk and falls to the sides, but he'll get it in no time. We go through at least 2 bibs and onesies a day with all the drool/spit-up and we can't tell if Liam is teething, but that may explain all the drool and chewing on everything he does. Only time will tell!
Oh, and Liam likes to play under his mobile and will "talk" to his reflection in the mirror that's on it. And as you can see, he puts the animals in his mouth:
Will and I don't really have anything new going on...we work and hang out with Liam :)
We have had a few visitors, though - Will's sister, Julia and her friend came to visit; my brother and his new girlfriend came; and later this week, one of my aunts and cousins are coming.
Oh, and in a couple of weeks, we are heading up to Maryland to see our newest little neice, Morgan Lilly! Can't wait!
Hope all is well with everyone!