Wednesday, December 30, 2009

28 Weeks

So, here I am now 25 lbs heavier than when I first found out I was pregnant. I feel like it's more weight than that sometimes, but Will keeps reminding me that I'm supposed to gain the weight and that it's ok. I'm guessing I'll gain about 35-40lbs before it's all over with.
I had my glucola test today and I can thankfully say that I passed! I was shocked after all the sweets that I've not only been eating this entire pregnancy, but especially after Christmas. I checked out ok with everything else today, as well, and our little boy seems to be doing just fine, too. We heard the heartbeat today and also the movements he was making, which was almost funny because he was moving around so much a couple of times that you couldn't really hear his heart. Oh, and the orange drink I had to have before the test wasn't that bad either - I was really worried about how bad the taste was going to be so, it was a nice surprise when I took the first sip.
Well, we enjoyed our Christmas break and we were able to get out of town for a week! Our plans did get a little screwed up due to the big snow storm that came through, but we still got to see most everyone. We started the vacation by going to one of my grandmother's house first in North Carolina (my mom's mom) and stayed there until Wednesday. My parents and brother came to meet us on Monday, which we were thankful for because we didn't know if they were going to be able to come at all. We left Wed. and headed up to Maryland to see Will's family. We stayed with them until Monday and we were able to have a white Christmas! They originally got about 20 in. of snow so, as you can imagine, they still had some by the time we got up there. It was all gone by the time we left due to rain so Will never got to sled with Brienna, but we still enjoyed seeing it.
We did get a few baby items including the stroller/infant carrier I wanted and a nice video camera, which was a surprise. We were supposed to have a baby shower while in North Carolina, but it was cancelled due to the weather and other family members being snowed in. I am going to go back in the next couple of weeks for it, though, so, it will be nice to see everyone again and see the others we missed.
While we were away, we had a delivery of the furniture for the nursery come to the house. It was supposed to be delivered this week after we got back, but it wasn't. We've been putting it together tonight and last night and figuring out how we're going to set up the room - it's been fun, but also a BIG eye opener of what's to come!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year to come!
Here are some cakes we made before we left: We loved the grill!

1 comment:

  1. Those pics are insane!! I still don't know how you guys do those kinds of cakes!! They are awesome!! Glad the glucose test went well! Gosh, you have an active William!! :)
