Tuesday, December 1, 2009

24 Weeks

As you can see, we have our Christmas tree up! Will started everything and I just finished putting the ornaments on it earlier tonight. Next year, we'll be adding "baby's 1st Christmas" ornaments to it and I'm already excited!
We had a great Thanksgiving at my parents house in Tennessee - lots of food and baby goodies! And now that they know what the sex is, I can finally announce it on the blog: IT'S A BOY!!!!!
We can also finally stop referring to him as "the baby" or "it." I tried to upload the video that I took when my mom was cutting into the cake, but I'm not too good with computer technology so, I couldn't figure it out. The minute we got to my parent's house, my mom was asking for the cake - there was no waiting for dessert later that night. We asked them to guess what they thought it was before they cut into the cake and my mom and brother actually guessed a boy. My dad didn't guess because he said he really didn't care as long as we were both healthy.
Since it is a boy, though, we got all the hand-me-downs from my brother's son. We came home with a car seat, rocking chair, so many clothes, and a high chair. The high chair was a surprise gift my parents got us and it's not a typical high chair...all of our chairs at our house are the higher "bar" height chairs so, my mom found a high chair that doesn't have legs and you can use it on any chair you already have. Not sure if I made sense, but it will be nice to use and take with us on vacations if we need to. Thanks for everything mom and dad!
Also, now that everyone knows we're having a boy, we will going to register this weekend. We will be going to Babies R' Us and Target, most likely. It's getting to be crunch time and we are also trying to get the nursery started. As I mentioned last week, we got the bedding for the crib so we will be ordering the bed and bedroom furniture within the next week or so, hopefully.
It's all so overwhelming and exciting at the same time! AHHH! :)
I've been feeling great now that I'm over the horrible cold I had. I still get tired, but that's to be expected. And my mom actually told me I look smaller in person than I do in my pictures so that was good to hear! Other people that have seen me, as well, can't believe how far along I am because they thing I still look so small - I certainly don't feel like it, though! It's almost time to go shopping again!
Well, that's it for now. Hope everyone else had a good Thanksgiving!
Here are a couple of pics of cakes we've done. The cake with the anchor was done before we left and the turquoise cake was done today for a big 'event planners luncheon' we went to.

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