Tuesday, February 23, 2010

36 Weeks

So, here is my BIG belly at 36 weeks! And the marks on my side towards my back are from my tank top and shirt that I'm wearing, NOT stretchmarks - I've been really paranoid about getting those and since I've taken the picture, they're not there anymore because I checked! I take a look at all aspects of my belly after showering to see if I have any and not that I would know what to do if I did get them, but I wouldn't be happy.
Anyway, I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I'm back home on bed rest for the remaining week. I am still dialated to 4 cm and not much else has changed. I've still been having some contractions and am therefore still taking the medication they prescribed to stop them. The instructions from the dr. are now to stay on bed rest through the weekend, but to stop taking the medication after Friday. On Friday, I will be 37 weeks and considered "full term" with the pregnancy so, it's ok if William wants to come after that point. Our next appointment is next Tuesday and they said if I'm dialated anymore, they'll go ahead and admit me - that is, if he doesn't come after I stop the medication. So, our little boy could be here by next week! :)
So, since I've been on bed rest, Will has set me up an "office" here at the couch so I can keep up with emails, contracts, etc. What do you think?
I've stayed busy and had plenty of things to do, which has been a good thing! My assistant, Zoe, goes from her bed on the floor to my bed on the couch, either at my feet or up at the window so she can keep watch on the street. She had been napping when I took this picture:
Will has been continuing to keep things going at the shop doing tastings, baking, making icings, etc. And has also been running here and there to take care of the other things in life...grocery store, banks, the post office, his townhouse in N.Chas., taking me to the dr., taking Zoe on walks, etc. Needless to say, he hasn't been napping! My bed rest would not be possible if it weren't for him!
And, lastly, here are two of the cakes we did last week - Will did baking, icing, crumb coating, and some of the decorations, and I sat and finished them:

We have a few more cake orders this week that we'll do the same way.
And, if we don't get to an update next week, everyone will know why - we'll be at the hospital - ahhhhh!

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