Wednesday, February 17, 2010

35 Weeks

So I missed an update for last week, but I've got a really BIG announcement to make for this week: I'M OFFICIALLY ON BED REST!!!!!!
To give everyone the update, here's how it all came to be:
Last Thursday I started not feeling too well. I just felt real achy all over and my stomach started hurting, like intestinal cramping hurt. I took it easy Thursday afternoon when we came home from work and just laid around until we went to bed. Friday morning when I woke up, I didn't feel any better, but I started going to the bathroom. Not that anyone wants to hear about bathroom issues, that's what it kind of turned into. I went home early on Friday and took a nap thinking I was just coming down with something. Saturday morning I woke up with the same thing again. At this point, I was getting worried so I made a call to the doctor. Since it was the weekend, I had to speak with the doctor that was on call. It just so happened that it was the one Will and I aren't crazy about that we had to see while our Dr.Gregory was out on maternity leave. I told him what was going on and he said I probably just had some kind of intestinal bug and he prescriped a medicine that was for a spastic colon. I took one of those and got no relief.
Sunday morning I woke up and didn't feel as bad, but still had bathroom issues and some cramping. Will and I went about our day as usual...we went to church, went to the beach, to Wal-mart, had some work to do at the shop, etc. The whole day I kept feeling like William was kind of pushing down and felt pressure, but I didn't think anything of it.
Well, to keep my long story long, I was up every hour Sunday night going to the bathroom and noticed that my entire stomach was hurting. By the time I woke up on Monday morning, I was having a totally different type of pain. It was in my lower abdomen and back and just killed. I actually had a scheduled doctor's appointment so it was great timing. After being in the room with Dr. Gregory, explaining all that had happened, and still having those pains that were coming and going, she said I think I need to check you out. To our surprise, I was already 3 cm dialated and my cervix had started thinnning! I was having labor contractions! Obviously freaking out at this point, I was crying and we were on our way to the hospital. Dr. Gregory reassured us that if I was to deliver this early in the pregnancy that William would be completely fine because he's just packing on weight these last 5 weeks and all of his organs are completely formed by now. That was a relief to hear, but still didn't change the anxious/scared feelings we had.
So, all day Monday I was monitored and kept having contractions. They were giving me different things to try to stop or at least slow them, and we would have some luck for a while, but then they would come back. They ended up keeping me overnight and eventually got the contractions to slow down enough to send me home. Dr. Gregory check me out one more time and said I was still a little more than 3 cm dialated and 100" efaced, but should be ok to go home and be on bed rest for the remaining time. So, here I am only 2 days into it and it's driving me crazy. I do have a prescription that I'm supposed to take every 4 hrs to keep the contractions from coming and it's fine except it makes me feel really jittery and shaky.
Will has been the energizer bunny through everything, which I'm so very thankful for. He's been going strong with taking care of things at the shop because we did have orders lined up for this week. He's baking off all the cakes, making icings, and "crumb" coating all the cakes. He's going to bring everything home and I can sit here and do the final decorating sitting. So, if something happens between now and getting the cakes done? He has contacted other pastry chefs that have agreed to take and finish the orders for us.
Will has also set up an "office" here for me at the couch so that I can keep up with emails and still get invoices/contracts sent out. Aside from work stuff, he's been taking care of me, making sure I have everything I need and keeping me on schedule with taking my medicine and drinking my water. It's all been a BIG, unexpected adjustment, but it wouldn't be possible if Will wasn't the great husband/business partner that he is.
Everyone keep us in your prayers and hope that William can hang on a little longer! Dr. Gregory said she would like for him to stay put for another 2 weeks, but doesn't think he'll last that long. The best thing of all is that he has been perfectly healthy through everything and all the nurses kept saying how strong he looked on the monitors. We'll see what the next blog brings!

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